
(We do not collect your e-mail or data)

We applaud your curiosity and courage to continue your self-discovery journey. Choose the area below you wish to explore, and click the illustration to get started with the screener. We will not be gathering your information or results; at the end of each screener, you can download a PDF of your results so you can keep a copy for your records.

The purpose of having these screeners is to provide a free resource for anyone who cannot afford assessment services and for anyone who is just in the exploratory phase and has not yet decided on their next steps. When you finish these screeners, you will see directions on how to contact us or send us your results if you are interested in connecting; however, this is not a requirement and we hope this access simply supports your journey of self-discovery.





Most of us see ourselves differently than how others may experience us. As you embark on your self discovery journey, having observer reports becomes very important, especially for neurodivergent people. Please feel free to contact us for observer screeners.