Restrictive and Repetitive Behaviors

Adult Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire-2 (RBQ 2A)

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It takes a lot for us to reflect and explore aspects of ourselves. We applaud your curiosity and courage. 

Who is this screener for?

This screener is the RBQ 2A and it is one of several different autism and OCD screeners. It can help adults determine if autism or OCD support or treatment may benefit them and/or how to proceed regarding an evaluation or diagnosis. The RBQ 2A measures repetitive and restrictive traits. The results of these screeners are not an indicator of who you are or the complete picture; it is simply a first step in exploring. Click here to learn more about OCD.

The results of these screeners are not an indicator of who you are or the full picture; it is simply a first step in exploring.

How to complete the screener:

Carefully read each question and choose an answer that you feel is the best fit for yourself. This screener has 25 multiple-choice questions. Once you’ve answered all questions, click Results to see more information regarding your total score and suggestions for next steps.

Your results are private unless you choose to share them. We will not be gathering your information or results; after you click Results, you can download your report. If you decide to meet with a therapist, psychologist, or coach, these results can be helpful to share with your clinician as they can help you on your journey.

To download your report, click Download at the bottom of this page. You can then open and save the results onto your computer.

Let’s get you started

1. Do you like to arrange items in rows or patterns?
Never or rarely
One or more time/s daily
15 or more times daily

2. Do you repetitively fiddle with items? (e.g. spin, twiddle, bang, tap, twist, or flick anything repeatedly?)
Never or rarely
One or more time/s daily
15 or more times daily

3. Do you like to spin yourself around and around?
Never or rarely
One or more time/s daily
15 or more times daily

4. Do you rock backwards and forwards, or side to side, either when sitting or when standing?
Never or rarely
One or more time/s daily
15 or more times daily

5. Do you pace or move around repetitively (e.g. walk to and fro across a room, or around the same path in the garden?)
Never or rarely
One or more time/s daily
15 or more times daily

6. Do you make repetitive hand and/or finger movements? (e.g. flap, wave, or flick your hands or fingers repetitively?)
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

7. Do you have a fascination with specific objects (e.g. trains, road signs, or other things?)
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

8. Do you like to look at objects from particular or unusual angles?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

9. Do you have a special interest in the smell of people or objects?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

10. Do you have a special interest in the feel of different surfaces?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

11. Do you have any special objects you like to carry around?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

12. Do you collect or hoard items of any sort?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional
Marked or notable

13. Do you insist on things at home remaining the same? (e.g. furniture staying in the same place, things being kept in certain places, or arranged in certain ways?)
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

14. Do you get upset about minor changes to objects (e.g. flecks of dirt on your clothes, minor scratches on objects?)
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

15. Do you insist that aspects of daily routine must remain the same?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

16. Do you insist on doing things in a certain way or re-doing things until they ‘‘just right’’?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

17. Do you play the same music, game or video, or read the same book repeatedly?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (not entirely resistant to change or new things)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

18. Do you insist on wearing the same clothes or refuse to wear new clothes?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (not entirely resistant to change or new things)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

19. Do you insist on eating the same foods, or a very small range of foods, at every meal?
Never or rarely
Mild or occasional (not entirely resistant to change or new things)
Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)

20. What sort of activity will you choose if you are left to occupy yourself?
A range of different and flexible self-chosen activities
Some varied and flexible interests but commonly choose the same activities
Almost always choose from a restricted range of repetitive activities

Reminder: Your responses and results are private unless you choose to share them. We will not be gathering your information or results. If you’d like a copy of your results, after you click Results, you can download your score report.
If you choose to meet with a psychologist, these results will be helpful to share, so please save them.

What does my score mean?​

RBQ 2A - Adult Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire
20 or less
21 - 25
You scored within typical range

This screener is not indicating a need for further support. But if you feel your results are such because you are working very hard to manage and cope, we have therapists and coaches who can help you implement shifts to make it smoother and easier.  Lauren, our team’s Care Coordinator, is here to answer any of your questions.

You can download your results by clicking the arrow below.

Keep an eye on it

Your results suggest this is an area worth investigating further. We have psychologists who can work with you to further examine this area, and we also have therapists and coaches available that can help provide support.  Lauren, our team’s Care Coordinator, is here to answer any of your questions.

You can download your results by clicking the arrow below.

This area needs attention

This area appears to need attention. Contact Lauren, our team’s Care Coordinator, for a free consultation and to discuss options for the next steps. If you are comfortable, include your results in your e-mail. We are here to help.

You can download your results by clicking the arrow below.